Better Hair + zinc or biotin + horsetail collagen - 90 tablets

57,99 zł

Better Hair + zinc or biotin + horsetail collagen - 90 tablets

57,99 zł

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W subskrypcji 15% taniej

90 tabletek w opakowaniu

Wystarcza na 45 dni suplementacji

Zhydrolizowany kolagen rybi

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Collagen with zinc and biotin for hair, 90 tablets


Collagen with zinc for hair from the Intenson store - what is this product?


Natural Collagen supplements This is a daily dose of health for the body and more. Collagen with zinc to hair is an innovative formula, combining nutrients that are friendly to the skin and hair that improves the condition of these tissues. In addition, our supplement also contains other great ingredients for hair health and beauty improvement. They are biotin, i.e. the famous vitamin for hair and horsetail, which is a component supporting the strength of the hair structure. The composition contained in the collagen with biotin for hair makes it a comprehensive supplement in terms of action on the skin, hair and nails.



Collagen with biotin for hair - Product composition

Our collagen with biotin for hair, tablets, includes collagen hydrolyzate, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), horsetail extract (standardized to the content of 7% silicon), zinc gluconate (zinc), hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate) , biotin, filling substance- microcrystalline cellulose, anti-citizen substances: silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate).



What distinguishes collagen with zinc to hair from the Intenson store? Features, advantages


The distinguishing features of our comprehensive product are the quality of workmanship, based on the highest quality standards, using modern capsule techniques. In addition Our collagen supplement with biotin for hair was produced using the Clean Label method, which means, no additional substances and fillers were used in its production. This product is also devoid of GMO, lactose and gluten, which makes it dedicated to a very wide group of consumers.


The price of this preparation also deserves the attention of collagen with zinc for hair. For 90 collagen tablets with biotin for hair, just spend PLN 57.99. This is a very affordable price for a comprehensive preparation, containing a large amount of health -promoting ingredients for health and beauty.



Collagen + biotin from the Intenson store - properties how it works, what does it help?

Human health depends on providing the right amount of nutrients and minerals. They take part in many metabolic processes and affect the condition, as well as external appearance. It is no different in the case of our collagen with biotin for hair. It is a product that supports the health and appearance of not only skin, hair and nails, but also other tissues of our body.


The properties of collagen with zinc on the hair include:

  • correct bone mineral density,
  • improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails,
  • supports regenerative processes,
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract,
  • relieving inflammation.
  • reduction of fatigue,
  • increasing immunity,
  • slows down the aging process,
  • improves the regeneration of the body,
  • strengthens the joints,
  • improves mood,
  • Supports the health of the nervous system.


These are the most important properties that the use of a supplement, which is collagen with biotin for hair and more. Let's remember, in addition to biotin and collagen hydrolyzate, the health properties of our preparation are also affected by zinc, horsetail, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid.


Collagen with biotin for hair, tablets - who do we recommend this supplement?

Product supplementation with the Intenson brand, contributes to improving the external appearance, support of daily prevention and well -being, therefore, therefore We recommend our product to virtually every group of consumers. It can be used by women and men, people working at the computer, intensively practicing and busy.


Collagen with biotin for hair, tablets - nutritional value



1 tablet (500mg). %RWS* 2TAs (1000mg). %RWS*
Collagen hydrolyzate 150mg 300mg
Vitamin C 120mg 150% 240mg 300%
Horsetail extract, including: 86mg 172mg
Silicon 6mg 12mg
Zinc gluconate, including: 45mg 90mg
Zinc 5mg 50% 10mg 100%
Hyaluronic acid: 10mg 20mg
Biotin 500µQ 1000% 1000µQ 2000%


*Reference value of consumption for an agile adult (8400KJ/2000kcal)


What are the contraindications for the use of collagen with zinc and other ingredients?


The substances contained in our dietary supplement are natural, ecological and well -tested. They also have a safe concentration of active ingredients, which prevents side effects. However, it is worth keeping in mind a group of people with contraindications for the use of collagen with biotin for hair. They are Pregnant and nursing women and people allergic to any component of our supplement.

If you have doubts about the supplementation of our collagen with zinc for hair, skin and nails, consult your attending physician or dietitian.



How to use collagen + biotin (and other ingredients) in tablets? Dosage, daily consumption


In order to achieve as many health benefits as possible and enjoy the great appearance and condition of the hair, we recommend following the following recommendations.

The recommended portion of colleague with biotin for hair are 2 tablets per day, taken after a meal, sipping with a lot of water. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended daily portion.


Collagen with zinc for Intenson hair - storage

The product should be Store in a dry and cool place, in a tightly closed packaging, in an unavailable to young children. This practice ensures longer freshness and durability of the preparation and thus a range of health benefits.


The effects of using tablets with collagen and biotin for hair. When can you expect effects?

A comprehensive combination of ingredients, such as hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, zinc, horsetail and biotin, allows Achieving the first effects after 3 weeks of regular supplementation.


Collagen with biotin for hair, tablets - certificates

Collagen with zinc and biotin for hair, skin and nails, like other products available in our online store, have the necessary quality certificates and the correct production process GMP, GHP and HACCP.


What else is worth buying in addition to collagen capsules with zinc and biotin for hair?

In our online store offer, there are more collagen preparations that may interest you. In addition to collagen with biotin for hair, Another recommended product is Collagen with hyaluronic acid on the skin and Ashwagandha anti-stress, which will completely take care of the body's health from the inside and outside.


See articles on our blog on collagen and its actions and properties

We know well that people interested in a healthy lifestyle want to constantly expand their knowledge in this area. Hence, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with ours blog articles on the subject Natural collagen properties, actions collagen for ponds and How to use drinking collagen.



Additional information about the collagen with biotin and zinc on the hair

Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. To maintain the correct state, the most important is a balanced and diverse diet and an active lifestyle.

Available in packaging: 90 tablets

Best before:

The party number / shelf life / country of origin is on the packaging.

Manufacturer's data:

Manufacturer: Intenson S.A.

Kissing 94 g

05 - 480 Karczew




  1. León-López a, Morales-Pedaloza A, Martínez-Jaárez VM, Vargas-Torres, Zeugolis di, Aguirre-álvarez G. Hydrolyzed Collagen-Sources and Applications. Molecules. 2019 NOV 7; 24 (22): 4031. DOI: 10.3390/Molecules24224031. PMID: 31703345; PMCID: PMC6891674.
  2. Papakonstantinou E, Roth M, karakiulakis G. Hyaluronic Acid: A Key Molecule in Skin Aging. Dermatoendocrinol. 2012 Jul 1; 4 (3): 253-8. DOI: 10.4161/DERM.21923. PMID: 23467280; PMCID: PMC3583886.
  3. Chambial S, Dwivedi S, Shukla KK, John PJ, Sharma P. Vitamin C in discaase prevention and cure: an overview. Indian j clin biochem. 2013 Oct; 28 (4): 314-28. DOI: 10.1007/S12291-013-0375-3. EPUB 2013 SEP 1. PMID: 24426232; PMCID: PMC3783921.





1. Can collagen with biotin on hair be used during pregnancy?

The considered supplementation of collagen with biotin on hair during pregnancy must be previously consulted with a specialist doctor. Usually, however, this physiological state is a contraindication to supplementation with such products.


2. Can collagen with zinc to hair in the form of tablets be combined with its other forms?

Yes, by all means. Collagen with zinc to hair can be combined with another supplement containing this ingredient, it is only worth remembering the daily limit of this ingredient.


3. Can collagen + biotin from Intenson be used during injury?

Yes, collagen in combination with hyaluronic acid and the additional presence of vitamin C, has excellent properties that support the regeneration of damaged structures during physical or unfortunate accident.


4. What is the expiry date of collagen with biotin for hair (tablets)?

The shelf life of the supplement is placed on the product label. It is usually a period of several months or more (depending on the type of product).


5. Can collagen with biotin (for hair) be combined with some drugs?

Connecting collagen (together with support substances) in combination with drugs prescribed by a doctor is a contraindication. The exact rules for the use of collagen and medicines should be discussed with your attending physician or other specialist.

Sposób spożycia: Zalecana porcja do spożycia to 2 tabletki dziennie w trakcie posiłku, popijając dużą ilością wody. Regularne stosowanie zalecane dla osiągnięcia optymalnych efektów. 1 opakowanie wystarcza na 45 dni kuracji.

Dodatkowe informacje: Pamiętaj, aby nie przekraczać zalecanej dziennej porcji do spożycia. Suplement diety nie może być stosowany jako substytut zróżnicowanej diety.

Zalecenia: Zalecany jest zrównoważony sposób żywienia i zdrowy tryb życia. Nie stosować u dzieci, kobiet w ciąży i w trakcie laktacji lub w przypadku nadwrażliwości na którykolwiek ze składników produktu.

Przechowywanie: przechowywać w suchym, chłodnym i ciemnym miejscu, w szczelnie zamkniętym opakowaniu, w sposób niedostępny dla małych dzieci.

Najlepiej spożyć przed: numer partii i data przydatności znajdują się na wieczku.

Składnik aktywny: Zhydrolizowany kolagen rybi
Postać: Tabletki
Producent: Intenson
Ilość tabletek w opakowaniu: 90
Długość kuracji: 45dni
Waga tabletki: 500mg
Przeznaczenie: Poprawa elastyczności skóry, Poprawa stanu kości i stawów, Poprawa jakości włosów, Poprawa stanu paznokci

Dzięku subskrypcji oszczędź czas i pieniądze. Zdobądź aż -15% rabatu na każde zamówienie! Korzyści z subskypcji:

  • Nawet kilkaset złotych oszczędności rocznie,
  • Możliwość zarządzania subskrypcją: edytowanie, zmiana produktów w subskrypcji, czy częstotliwości ich dostawy,
  • Możliwość anulowania w dowolnym momencie,
  • Oszczędność czasu, nie musisz pamiętać o ponownych zamówieniach.

Substancje zawarte w naszym suplemencie diety są naturalnie, ekologiczne i dobrze przebadane. Posiadają także bezpieczne stężenie składników aktywnych, co zapobiega wystąpieniu skutków ubocznych. Warto jednak mieć na uwadze pewną grupę osób z przeciwwskazaniami do stosowania kolagenu z biotyną na włosy. Są nimi kobiety w ciąży i karmiące oraz osoby uczulone na którykolwiek składnik naszego suplementu.

Jeśli masz wątpliwości w kwestii suplementacji naszym kolagenem z cynkiem na włosy, skórę i paznokcie, skonsultuj się ze swoim lekarzem prowadzącym lub dietetykiem.

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Justyna B.


Żanetta K.
Piec gwiazdek


Aneta S.

Kolagen na włosy Better hair + cynk + biotyna + skrzyp - 90 tabletek

Barbara G.

Kolagen na skórę i włosy

Katarzyna F.

Bardzo dobry produkt, włosy rosną szybciej i w dużo lepszej kondycji. To już mój kolejny zakup tego produktu i na pewno nie ostatni.
Polecam serdecznie.

Ewa P.

Super produkt ,stosuje od 3 tygodni i już zauważyłam poprawę kondycji włosów . Polecam

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